Still without home adsl. Apparently it’s meant to be fixed tomorrow. At this point I’m sceptical but fingers crossed. On Thursday I got sick of trying to keep up with everything online via the iPhone (not to mention was getting concerned about my data allowance for the month) so I decided to go buy a prepaid mobile wireless internet modem. Have to say, so far it works pretty well. Pity that we get so severely ripped off for mobile data in this country. But it will come in handy for travels within Australia in the future plus I guess is tax deductible, so not a complete loss.
In other news I have given myself a week to ponder my plot and the best the girls can come up with is “it’s mostly right but we don’t know much more than that” so I’m going to just keep writing while I’m waiting for my revision letter (eeek!) and see what happens. (The joys of pantsing!) In the meantime the muse has wanted to watch Gossip Girl and Bones and read J.D. Robb. No idea what that combination is likely to produce in the brain but should be interesting.
Yesterday was the first ballet of the year – The Silver Rose – which was interesting but not the world’s best music I have to admit. The costumes were gorgeous (all art nouveau inspired) and the dancing was fab but the music was just a bit meh which spoils some of the drama. And it’s a very “operatic” (as Terry Pratchett would say) plot. Given it’s inspired by Der Rosenkavalier this makes sense but the plot doesn’t, really. Never big on the “man dresses as woman and another man falls for him instantly” plot. Still, well worth a look if you’re ballet inclined and in Australia.