Firstly, thoughts are with those in Christchurch or with loved ones there. Terrifying stuff. I’ve only ever been in very minor tremors and those are weird enough. Can’t imagine actually have the world move under your feet, let alone have it come crashing down around you.
Secondly, seriously Mother Natures, I’m sure most people in the world would join me in saying “ENOUGH ALREADY”. You’ve been throwing some serious tantrums lately and it’s time to give us a break.
Thirdly, on a slightly happier subject (though in some ways still dealing with world changes), Stephanie Laurens has started a blog to discuss changes in the publishing world and get some discussion going about what it all means for traditional publishers and authors and the brave new world ahead.
Sometimes it’s easy to see why “may you live in interesting times” is a curse in Chinese!
Fourthly, we are recommencing the program of writing every day in the vague hope that the backbrain has wrangled the next few bits of the book and is ready to cough up a bit more, so the reporting of metrics shall recommence later tonight.