Listening to one song incessantly as I write this afternoon…which made me wonder just how many plays some songs in my iTunes libary have had thanks to writing soundtracks. So, a rainy Sunday afternoon meme.
Top 25 most played songs (and the book they belong to)
1. The Boy Does Nothing – Alesha Dixon (No soundtrack…I must’ve left this on repeat at some stage!)
2. The Bitter End – The Dixie Chicks (Witch 1)
3. Sin Sin Sin – Robbie Williams (Wolf 1)
4. Little Lion Man – Mumford & Sons (pretty sure this was in the Half-Light Book 2 play list to start with though it doesn’t seem to be in the current version)
5. Glycerine – Bush (Wolf 2)
6. Red – Daniel Merriweather (Shadow Kin)
7. Not Ready To Make Nice – Dixie Chicks (Witch 1)
8. Who Wants to Live Forever – David Garrett (Shadow Kin)
9. Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad – Moby (Witch 1, Wolf 2)
10. Everybody Knows (Dixie Chicks) (Witch 1)
11. Linger – The Cranberries (Wolf 2)
12. Comfortably Numb – The Scissor Sisters (Wolf 2, Half-Light 2)
13. The Long Way Round – The Dixie Chicks (Witch 1)
14. So Hard – The Dixie Chicks (Witch 1)
15. Easy Silence – The Dixie Chicks (Witch 1…this soundtrack is also known, particularly in its revision version as All Dixie Chicks All The Time)
16. So Cruel – U2 (Wolf 2, Half-Light 2)
17. Angels – John Farnham (Shadow Kin)
18. Crazy – Icehouse (Shadow Kin)
19. Ghosts – Robbie Williams (Wolf 1)
20. Shout – Tears for Fears (Half-Light 2)
21. Tragedy – Brandi Carlile (Shadow Kin)
22. Two Gods – Attrition (Shadow Kin)
23. Kiss The Bride – Elton John (One of my categories plus most of my ‘dance round the house like a nut playlists : ) )
24. This Year’s Love – David Gray (The big fat unnamed fantasy plus one of my categories)
25. Dancing Queen – Abba (One of my categories plus another “on all Mel’s cheerful playlists” song)
I have no idea if the play counts include iPod plays but there you go, twenty five songs I have heard more than 130 times each. The highest play count is 494 (which I why I think I left The Boy Does Nothing on repeat at some point), the next highest 264 (told you that playlist was all Dixie Chicks, all the time…I swear I was hearing The Bitter End in my dreams by the time I finished revising Witch 1). Anyone else want to play along?
And now, back to Adele singing “Set Fire to the Rain” which is the muse’s current obsession. Here’s a cool acoustic version. Girl can SING. Go listen.