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It’s a whole new me (well, my site and blog)! I said it over on the site and I will say it again here. My web designer, Sharon, from Little Bytes Design deserves a big hand of applause and, quite frankly, a parade for designing me this gorgeous new look. Henceforth, let her be known as Sharon, Web Goddess.

I had ideas, based on what I did or didn’t like about writer sites I’d seen and on what I’ve heard readers grumble about over the years, about what I wanted my site to be like and Sharon has delivered them all.  And made them pretty! I do not particularly have a design brain. I mean, I can put things together and work with colour when I knit and sew and decorate and I know how I want things tweaked once I see a concept but I don’t have that artist eye that takes the raw elements and translates them into something entirely new and wonderful.  There have been many, many emails exchanges like:

Mel: “Oh, can we have *insert flying sparkly unicorn website idea here*?”

Sharon WG: “Tell me more about flying sparkly unicorns.”

Mel: “Waves hands around (very useful, on email), sends links, gives possibly very vague comments.”

Sharon WG: (nicely not pointing out the writer crazy, does brilliant web designer things) “Ta-da!”

Mel: “Yay! Now how about a slightly different shade of unicorn horn?”

Sharon WG: (patience of a saint) “Ta-da!”

Mel: “Applause! Now, what about winged monkeys?”

I cannot say enough good things about her, so if you’re looking for web design or re-design, look in her direction.  She also does e-book conversion/cover work (check out the gorgeous things she’s done for Barbara Samuel).

Now, I’m still settling in here and on the website, so new things will still be coming….like excerpts and more book related stuff over on the site, so I’ll keep you posted as I add things. If you find a problem or an error, leave me a comment here or you can contact me. I’ll be adding to the FAQs over on the site too, so if you have a burning question to ask about me or my books or writing (I reserve the right to decline to answer), ask away.

Sadly, no second announcement today….hopefully next week. Until then you can entertain yourselves poking around the new digs!

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