Okay folks, it’s the moment you’ve all (hopefully) been waiting for…the first Shadow Kin excerpt is live on the website.
You can read it there, or follow the link to download a pdf, ePub or mobi version to read at your leisure on the device of your choice (I am assuming at this point that if you have an eReader you know how to sideload stuff onto it from your computer). If you don’t have an eReader you can download the free Kindle app to read the .mobi file, use various pdf apps to read the pdf and use Stanza (amongst others) to read the ePub file. For some reason, the cover image doesn’t want to load on the .mobi file, so I’ll be investigating further but I figure the text is the main thing. ETA Sharon the Web Goddess has fixed the .mobi version and I’ve uploaded her version now.
It’s been a sharp learning curve in ebook file production this morning so I’m running away to do some other things now. Enjoy!
P.S. Thanks to my darling big brother for helping me with various aspects of said ebook production (yay for computer whiz brothers)!
I am technologically at a disadvantage when my daughter is away. I will check out the website this time. Thank you.
You should point out that Firefox has a pretty nifty epub reader :-