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So yesterday we went up to the Cloisters which is located in Fort Tryon Park, way the heck up in 190th street (which is almost as far as you can go).  But we writers are intrepid types, so Keri, Kelly Hunter, Anne Gracie and I eventually found our way after a bit of confusion when we came out of the Metro station (thanks to the helpful passerby who pointed us back to the train station elevators lol).

The Cloisters is, as the name suggests, a recreation of a medieval cloister, made up of bits of various European abbeys etc acquired by the museum (it’s a branch of the Metropolitian Museum of Art).  It is full of gorgeous medieval religious art, tapestries, sculptures, carvings and treasures and is a beautiful, peaceful place set in a beautiful park.  So herewith some pics (but not the full 100 or so I took there!).

Foggy day in the park

Squirrellllllll!!! (This little guy had suitable New York squirrel attitude…he posed for us quite happily then got very grumpy looking when no treats were forthcoming!)

The Cloisters from the entrance

And some more exterior…gorgeous stairs

Wall critter

Gorgeous dragon

My mind is blanking on the correct terminology for this bit of a church but it was lovely!

More stained glass


Marble relief

Gold and blue angels



And the famous unicorn tapestry (slightly blurry, sorry but apparently unicorns emit secret blurry vibrations as this was the only one I couldn’t get a really clear shot of!)

And lastly….Saint Roch, who was famous for curing plague. We think it must have been with the power of his mighty thighs….I mean check out those legs (and who knew that medieval saints wore shorts!)

And that’s all folks, tonight we do a harbour cruise, so hopefully some pretty night shots will be up next! Tomorrow Keri and I are going to brave the outlet mall….if you hear any screams it’s probably our credit cards.

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