Book three in the Half-Light series officially has a title…Iron Kin. So to celebrate the newly named and the coming-real-soon-now release of Blood Kin, I’m giving away a Blood Kin galley (galleys are bound, uncorrected proofs of the book).
Just comment here to win…bonus points if you tell me a cool name…person, pet, book, whatever!
My childhood dog. shamya!
I can’t wait to read this – the coolest name for a pet I know is a geeky friend who has a bitsa called Lanyard. Second to that my brother has 2 brown and white fluffy lap cats called Mocha and Chino.
i would love to receive this book!! My son named our youngest dog Maya (Rottie/Shepard mix) – he came up with it from our trip to Riveria Maya Mexico – it was an awesome trip and made an impresson on him! Our other dogs name is Sasha (Westie)
May your book fly off the shelves, Mel. Terrific cover quote from Keri Arthur. The coolest character name I’ve come across was in a 1980s book, Shibumi, by Trevanian who created an Asian character called Urassis Dragon (say it fast).
I think Aslan is the coolest name ever. That and Galadriel (Lord of the Rings).
I can’t believe you’re already on book 3! I remember when I found your blog thru Keri Arthur’s books and you were hoping someday to get published. Congrats on your success!
Well, at the risk of sounding incredibly arrogant my name is kind of cool. I am lebanese and my name is Syndi-Belle El-Tayar. Syndi was the name of a french princess and it spelt a different way. Belle is beautiful in french but it is also the french version of my grandmother’s name, Jamal (beautiful in lebanese). El-Tayar, my family name, means The Flyer in lebanese. So that’s my cool name! Super excited about the series by the way! 😀
I remember going into the bookstore one day trying to figure out what to buy, when I glanced over and saw the beautiful cover to Shadow Kin. I’m so glad I picked up that book and bought it ! My pup, Malibu, and I look forward to curling up and reading Blood Kin. Can’t wait!
My husband and I named our first dog, Maximus. He always went as Max. When we had our son, we were bummed to realize we wasted the name we liked most on the dog! Should named the son Max and come up with a better name for the dog! 🙂
IRON KIN – looking forward to reading the blurb for it!
Names? Well, I have three cats – Furball, Splat & Panda(monium). One of the nicest people names I’ve heard recently came from Spartacus – Naeve (can’t quite remember how it was spelt). Intriguing book title – KISS OF STEEL by Bec McMaster.
Don’t worry about putting me in the draw, MJ – I’ve already pre-ordered BLOOD KIN from TBD! Can’t wait to read it. 🙂
Not long to go now until release day 😀
I can’t wait until we all get to read this book!!!!!
My cat’s name is KaDee. I cannot wait to read Blood Kin.
Once again I am in love with the font and lettering you have for your titles…soooo purdy. Looking forward to Blood Kin.
Cool names? I always thought a cat named Chatul (pronounced h’atul) was cool since it is “cat” but in Hebrew.
I’m probably late for the giveaway, but two female names that I love are from Robin McKinley books. Aerin and Angharad. For pets, I had two cats, a calico named Pumpkin and a tortoise shell named Pi.
I am loving all these cool names…particularly the pets…and Valerie’s Urassis Dragon. And Syndi-Belle’s multiple layers of meaning.
UnYong, Robin McKinley is one of my fave authors. She does great names!
How exciting, I hope I’m not too late for the giveaway!
I like the name from Tamora Pierce’s wildmagic series- Veralidaine Sarrasri. Another is Zephyr from Alaya Dawn Johnson’s Moonshine. And my dog’s name is Red River!
Are we there yet? Seems like we’ve been waiting for ever for the next book. And now you announce the name of the next one! Please -one at a time, it’s too much – the waiting!
BTW – I have a cousin my age called Saffronne. She was named way before Ab Fab made it household.
Favorite book name is probably Anjuli from The Far Pavilions.
My favorite TV name is Calliope from Days of our Lives (way back in the 80’s)
Favorite pet name at the moment – nieces dog is called Murray – their surname is Darling!
But really; I’m more interested in how you name your characters?
Kithandra Feanor
Catherine Marie Emberson
Nevendar Decamartus
Those are really the only cool names I know…OH My best friend in kindergarten was named Zenobi
Zenobi is cool : ) and Nevendar Decamartus is very intriguing!
My name has always seemed cool (or so my parents tell me) LOL 🙂
I have twin friends named Alivia & Adora…kinda cool…
I would have to say my favorite names would have to be Tehya, Tala, and Lakota. They are the names of three out of 10 wolf hybrids my mom has. Lakota I named and we call him Loco or Kota for short. Look forward to reading your newest installment. 🙂
Ooh, wolf hybrids. They must be cool dogs. With great names.
How cool that book 3 officially has a title! I’m definitely in love with this series and can’t wait for book 2 to come out this year. =^-^=
Let’s see, cool pet names…my s.o. has a feline who’s name is Splendifferous Buggaloo, though we usually call her Buggy. My roommate’s felines are named Inari and Chandrika (both named after Goddesses). And my two felines are named WillowWisp and Saraswati (Willow and Sara for short).
I like all those feline names. Cats take names well.
I loved Shadow Kin, so looking forward to Blood Kin! I named our dogs Chevy & Beama…..
My dogs are called Nissa and Myfanwy (Miffy for short).
Ooooh! I am so excited! Congrats and I can’t wait to read Blood Kin!
Names, hm, I have a friend at TAFE called Skye Fen.
And my sister called her cat Einstein, Einy for short 🙂 Too bad she’s a naughty little thing.
good luck to everyone
Congrats on Blood Kin. This series is so good.
My dog’s name is Sketch – not sure where it came from just my son liked the name.
Thanks for the chance
I loved Shadow Kin. Can’t wait to read the sequel!
Cool names … I’ve always liked Yolanda.
I can hardly wait to read this book. I adored Shadow Kin & hv been waiting eagerly for your next book.
Cool name: Tenacity – it’s got to be a terrier right =)
Hi!! Cant wait to read Blood Kin. Very excited for you.. I like the name Naveah, heaven spelled backwards.. Also Leilani, and my name!
my cat’s name is Aziza, which is Egyptian for “precious” but i also tend to like latin names like “Nox” or neo-grandma type names like Mangnolia (don’t ask).
can’t wait for the book 🙂