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Last week when I was hanging out recuperating from having a tooth out, I spent a bit of time on Pinterest. So many pretties, so little time. Like most people on Pinterest, I pin a lot of stuff but don’t necessarily try it.  But I decided that I want to try some new cooking things this year to expand my repertoire, so I’ve decided to make a list of 12 things I want to cook this year and will try and report back each month.  (This isn’t in order…I reserve the right to pick whatever I feel like in any given month). I’m linking to examples I’ve found on Pinterest but I may change my mind on any given recipe!

1. A baked cheesecake. I generally prefer cold-set but I did love the NY style cheesecake while I was in New York and I’ve never actually made one.

2. Tortilla soup

3. Properly decorated sugar cookies

4. Pavlova (not sure I’ve ever actually made one…if I have it was a long time ago)

5. Home made beans of some sort

6. Whoopie pies

7. Macarons

8. At least 3 different green smoothies (I can tick one off the list already…this one)

9. Baked doughnuts

10. Pita bread

11. Onion jam  (or maybe bacon jam…mmm bacon)

12. Pineapple upside down hummingbird cake

I’d also like to try tamales but really not sure if I can get the masa here. Oh and Mum gave me a cake pop set so should try those too!

Also, I need to try one new dinner recipe a month that isn’t on the list above.  I tend to get into a stir-fry/pasta/meat and vegies rut, so want to find some new faves!

Let the noms commence!

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