I had a different blog planned for today but Terry Pratchett died last night. He was one of my all time favourite authors, whose books I’ve re-read too many times to count. So funny, so brilliant, so wise and human. I’ve spent endless hours with his words and know he’s made me a better writer and a better person. So thank you, Sir Terry and I hope wherever you are, you are whole and healthy once more.
That picture only shows about 1/4 of the books of his I own and love. I know there’s one more book to come but I think it will take me some time, like it did with Diana Wynne Jone’s last book, to be able to read it, knowing it is the last. And knowing we could have had many more if not for a horrible disease.
I’m sad I never got to meet him in person and tell him how much I loved his books. So today I figure is a good day to tell an author (or anybody you admire) that they make you happy and, if you have any cash to spare, perhaps donate some to medical research. I think there’s an official request for donations here but I’m sure he’d approve of donations wherever.
PS I hear people say to skip the first couple of books in the Discworld series if you start reading it. I disagree. The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic are funny and a bit silly and light. Perhaps more farce than satire but they are early works and the books that started it all. And if you read from there, you can see how he kept just getting better and better as he went along. Plus it gives you two more Pratchetts to read.