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I have a theory that all writers have a certain degree of curiosity. What I call the magpie mind. After all, a story is usually sparked by some sort of ‘What if’ question and then chasing that thread down a deep rabbit hole before somehow managing to weave it into an answer. Curiosity is good. Being interested in lots of things is good. Learning is good. But sometimes magpie mind is not the most focused mind. Particularly when there is a lot of stuff to get done. And it’s been an odd week. Working different days at the day job. Sundry other irritations that have thrown off my rhythm.

Right now I want to paint and pull thread through fabric and look at pretty things and play with pens and inks and cook. Which is all very well for filling the well but right now I also need to write. So magpie mind needs to go away for a bit. I need some eagle focus. Or something (no idea why the bird metaphors today).

Not sure how I appease magpie mind into hibernation. Might be time to get back into the meditation practice. And line up a few shiny treats to give the magpie side something to look forward to.

After all magpies are easily distracted by new things. All this may be a very long winded way of saying I’m heading into the writing cave to follow a few of those story questions. Which is about as much as a writing update as I can give.

But hopefully I can still play a little. Because being a magpie is fun. So is painting one 😀


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