Well, on my last post I said I was going to try to blog more. And then I promptly got sick with a horrible chest infection. I was coughing so hard they thought I had whooping cough (I didn’t). The cough went away but apparently I coughed hard enough to annoy my back quite a bit with ended up with me being on restricted sitting time (aka writing time) and then just as that was recovering nicely, two weeks ago I fell over in the wet and ended up with my right arm in a sling due to a hairline fracture. I am officially the Queen of the Klutzes. Boo! So, yes, blogging still is yet to recommence a regular schedule. But we’re ten days out from the release of Need You Now, the first of my Cloud Bay series, writing as Emma Douglas. So time for a couple of snippets (I shared the first one earlier this week but realised I forget to post it here, so two for the price of one today!).
To get your hands on a copy – pre-order links are here. Along with all the links for A Season Of You and No Place Like You which are out October 3 and December 5. All three are also coming out in audiobook but I don’t have links for those yet, so will keep you posted.