by Mel | Dec 31, 2014 | Bookworm
Yikes, that title makes me feel a bit old. Nine years of bloggage. Poor old blog has been a bit neglected this year as I’ve been so busy writing and launching books and doing various stuff. But I’m happy to report that my reading numbers have lifted back...
by Mel | Oct 29, 2014 | Cool stuff, Random thoughts
I have had a very busy year with many books to write and many books out, so I have been not blogging as much as I’d like. So I am trying, while there’s a little easing of the schedule, I thought it was time to talk about other books. Books I need to read....
by Mel | Dec 31, 2013 | Bookworm
8 years! How did that happen? This blog is old ; ). Anyway, as I usually do, I will use my last post of the year to talk about my favourite topic…books! Or book and reading I guess. This year I have read less than usual, mainly because I got vertigo in August...
by Mel | Oct 10, 2011 | Bookworm
Haven’t done one of these in a while and the TBR pile does seem to keep piling up, so here are some books I’m hanging out to read over the next few months. Snuff by Terry Pratchett (Out next week but hopefully winging its way to me right now in the post)...
by Mel | Sep 28, 2010 | Bookworm
Back in May I did a blog on books I was looking forward to for the rest of the year. Since I’ve read everything on that list that has been released and added a few more things to my “ooh, interesting/cool/yay book by favourite author” list, I thought...