Here in Australia, it’s about to be the day that we celebrate our Aussie-ness. Yes, January 26 is Australia Day and there will be much barbequing, drinking of beverages, playing beach cricket and generally relaxing (at least for those people not currently trying to finish a book draft).
To celebrate, the cool gals at Bookdout and Confessions from Romaholics have organised much goodness in the
Book giveaways. Aussie writers. What can be better?
So to celebrate both, I’m offering a copy of either Shadow Kin or Blood Kin (winner’s choice) for one prize and one copy of a book by my fab friend Keri Arthur (from either the Riley or Risa series – winner’s choice). Keri was just voted #18 in Booktopia’s Australia’s Favourite Novelist. She rocks!
Enries are open to everyone. Â If you’re an international entrant, I’ll send you the book via Amazon. I can send e-copies if they’re available to wherever you are. Aussies will get signed paper books (hey, it is Australia Day!)
To enter, just leave me a comment….Aussies tell me a fave thing about Australia…everyone else, tell me something you know about Australia. Entries close at midnight on Monday January 28 2013 (Australian EDST). I’ll draw the winners of February 4th.
Be sure to check out the rest of the bloghop, details can be found on Bookdout.
I just love the good old aussie humour
I love that no matter what time of the year it is you are almost guarenteed to get at least 10 hours of daylight in a day. The temperate climate is also a big plus, especially when travelling.
My favourite thing about Australia is TIM TAMS.. oh and having an extra holiday on Monday 28th of Jan!!! Happy Straya Day TWICE!!!
I came for a visit to Sydney back in ’05. I had a brilliant time for 3 months visiting with friends and many places not told of to tourists. The people were friendly, which was NOT something I was used to from here in the States. When you were told G’day, they meant it! Ever since then, I’ve been hooked on Oz and wish to come back permanently someday.
Hi! Thank you for the blog post && giveaway.
I’m from New Zealand, soooo i know that all things great Australian, they stole from NZ lol 😉
All joking aside it’s a great place, good people, good sport, good times.
Howdy there,
Fellow Aussie. Whahh ! I have Keri’s Dark Angel series sitting here 4 books waiting to read. I am uber excited to read . I borrowed M.J.S cott’s Shadow Kin and Blood Kin from library but must return * whispers * overdue…darn those time limits on loans. Ok. Fave thing about Australia, laid back people, bbq’s, thongs, sun, beach, we don’t have guns like other countrys.
Awesome authors to giveaway!! I am keen to read Riley Jensen series , it is badass long which means binge reading 🙂
I know that one of my favorite authors is from Australia (Keri Arthur)! A lso co worker’s sister lives in Australia and I love to hear the stories of what life is like over there. Maybe someday I will be able to visit 🙂
I love the pictures Keri posts on FB of the wildlife
I know that Australia has the best authors and that Australian voices are the best sounding in the world. Oh, and kangaroos…gotta love kangaroos.
Hey there,
I am from Romania and unfortunately I don’t know a lot about Australia (well, besides the fact that Hugh Jackman is from Australia:D) and there live the greatest fantasy authors (Keri Arthur, M.J.Scott, Patti Roberts etc.) … and possibly cute kangaroos
P.S. Happy Late Australia Day Guys !
Happy Australia Day! My uncle owned a company that built engines for the large ships there and had a team of 100 clydesdale horses that would take them from the factory to the port. You’re a new autor to me and I am always looking for something new to read. Thanks for the give a way.
Ayers Rock – Uluru
From the US so I don’t know much. You guys have kangaroos and mocking birds. Risa and Riley “live” there and from what I’ve seen in pictures, it’s Gorgeous! Happy Australia Day!
never been there but love to go and see
Well Happy Late Australia Day! I’m from Oklahoma and the only things I know about Australia is what I have seen on house hunters international 😉 and the beautiful pics that Keri posts. I have never visited Australia maybe someday I will.*whishing* Thanks for the give a away and keep those amazing book coming our way!