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Oh my

On a completely off topic aside, if Stephen Moffat keeps writing Doctor Who episodes as romantic and heartbreaking as he has been then he might just have to be added to my writing god pantheon. Not only did you invent my beloved Captain Jack Harkness and write the...

Tassie snapshots

Something’s wrong with the world when you get home from Hobart and it’s colder in Melbourne! Tassie managed to bust out four days of pretty darn good weather for late winter. Sunshine, a semblance of warmth and no arctic breezes. Which meant we had some...

Back though with little brain

I am home again. Conference was fab and I shall report more later but most importantly big WOOHOO’s to my ever more brilliant crit buddies: Carolyn who took out the Emerald Single Title (and also won the STALI earlier this year) and Chris who took possession of...


Big huge mega congratulations to my brilliant and talent crit buddy Chris who won the Romance Writers of New Zealand Clendon Award last night! Mucho champagne and choccies for her!!

A good weekend in words and pictures…

It started like this….aka Thursday night Then Jenny Crusie gave a brilliant workshop which will hopefully help me whip Wolf 2 into some semblance of shape. Then we progressed to this….aka Friday night (that’s me in black, Trish Morey in red) Photo...

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