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A year in books #11

A year in books #11

Well, 2016. That was a…year. But one in which I managed to read quite a few good books for the first time. (I think I read or re-read over 150 books again this year). I even took pics of a few. This year I think I read more contemporary romance, less historical...
Hello again

Hello again

I know things have been low on the blogging front recently. Sometimes life gets crazy. 3 weeks ago, in particular, I had an ankle reconstruction to fix a ligament that was borked when I broke my ankle five years ago. Let us not discuss why this was not diagnosed five...
Dropping in

Dropping in

To say, yes, I’m still alive. I know there has been blog silence for a month or so but I didn’t think anyone wanted to read a month of “I’m sad my cat died” posts. I am still sad my cat died but in a less immediately too much crying at...
State of the Mel #10

State of the Mel #10

Every so often I do one of these posts, mostly for new followers at various places to catch folks up on who I am, what I do and an update for everyone on what I’m working on. The last few weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster here at Chez Mel. On Good Friday...
Long weekend plans aka Happy Easter

Long weekend plans aka Happy Easter

Easters that fall early in the year always throw me out. It feels like it was just Christmas and suddenly, bam, Easter which means the year is well underway. Gah! Anyway, I hope you have a relaxing long weekend with people you love if you get a long weekend for...

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