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Fire Kin ARC winners

So the Torti tried to drag the ARCS into her lair, but I have ventured forth and saved them for you, my favorite reader people! Through the power of, the winner of the newsletter giveaway is Michelle W. and the winner of the blog giveaway is Erin, who...

Fire Kin ARCs

I got this bundle of pretties in the mail earlier in the week, so it’s time for a giveaway!   To get your hands on a brand spanking new ARC of Fire Kin four whole months before the book comes out, leave a comment and tell me what your favorite fiery thing...

It’s hot…let’s give something away!

Summer, which technically ended nine days ago, is hanging on like grim death here in Melbourne.  We’re currently in the middle of what could turn out to be the longest streak of consecutive days above 30 (86) in a row.  I think we’re currently on day five...

Iron Kin…the excerpt

And ta-da…we have the first Iron Kin excerpt which is the first half of chapter one.  As usual the rest of chapter one will be up later this month and then chapter two in March. I also have these pretties…. So I’ll have to do a giveaway of one...

ARC giveaway

I’ll be announcing the winner of my June/July mystery contest (and which mystery book I got signed at RWA) later this weekend but let’s move onto the next contest…I’m giving away one signed Shadow Kin ARC!   Pretty! (May come with...

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